Believing in Our Power and Gratitude

Recently I was scrolling down on social media and found out there were two special days: International Day for Girls around the world and Mental Health Awareness Day. I would like to address both days because I think they worth mentioning (not just on social, but everywhere).

I was spending time researching and learning more about females during history. I was reading on Blinkist (a great website for ebooks and audiobooks for the listeners among us, you can literally find any book there) there was a book about an American spy called Virginia during the Second World War who reached France during the war in 1939 and stayed there until the last year of the great war.  She had a choice between a regular life as a midwife and an educated woman moving from country to country having a thriving career. I suppose you already guessed what kind of life this woman had. Not only her life turned out to be like a roller coaster, but she also had the courage to choose differently. She chose to live on her own without any involvement from her mother, although she loved her mother very much. She decided to go for her dream, getting a degree, learning five European languages and eventually becoming a spy for the British Agency. She had the talent for spying and succeded until the last year of the great war when Soviet Russia entered France. 

Sure I took a pretty big example for this case, but I wanted to emphasize a great story of a great leader at that time and wanted to educate you all about this incredible woman. I think we can all learn a lot due to our history, so we could be more educated and predict solutions to the problems which can appear and repeat over and over if we don't pay attention. 
You're probably asking how is this story connected to the plot of this post? simple. 
Classroom Of Hope
When I scrolled down my feed on Instagram I saw a cute post of Classroom Of Hope (@classroomofhope) where they posted a photo of a group of girls and wrote down below: "girls are the present and the future. We must encourage girls to pursue their dreams, uplift self-esteem and celebrate all their talents!" I am resonated so much with this quote, unlike other cultures where men oppress women and think it's okay to boss all women around because they are not capable of anything else. This patriarchy should stop, I know it's a lot to say- after all, we cannot save everybody, but if there is a girl out there who seeks approval or encouragement to express her talents or just doing something great for herself or maybe for her environment, we all should encourage this kind of behavior in order to educate as more people as possible- the gender doesn't matter. We all should thrive for equality. Equality is something we all sometimes take for granted in our own countries (I talk about democracy, where people live this equality). Hence, not all of the countries thrive to equality, thus more people suffer from oppression. 

Jasmine Lipska
That's why we all should be grateful for our living situations and for simply living and being here in this world. We should be grateful for the air we are breathing each day and for mother nature who nourishes us during the day. We should be grateful for our families who give us everything we need, grateful for the roof upon our heads, for living in a digital world and for being connected to many people and communities around the world from home and so much more. These are just simple examples of gratitude, why am I telling you this? Well, this morning I listened to one of the guided meditations by Jasmine Lipska (a YouTuber who I love and admire, she taught me a lot of life lessons, her Instagram account:@jaslipska), she was talking about the simple things we should be grateful for. This was one of the OHH moments when everything unfolds for you in a positive way and you become to see the world from a positive perspective. It helps not just for your inner self, it helps you to also understand how much beauty we have in this world and how much we should and can appreciate. Sometimes people forget what they have, so if you're one of those who sometimes lose track or forget a little bit, keep reminding yourself that you have a lot to be grateful for. Start from the simplest things and move to more personal things you have in your mind. Do this during your meditation time or when you sit with yourself in front of a journal. Whenever you decide to do that, keep it as a habit and turn your day to be more positive. 

This topic brings me to the next topic I wanted to mention. 
Jasmine posted yesterday a photo of hers and a description down below which describes in short about a depression she had when she was abroad during her solo travel. To be honest, we do not need to have a reason for depression- we just feel it and that's it. When emotion raises in us, we usually oppress and detach them from ourselves or embrace them and let them go freely. I started to pick the second option as soon as I realized it's the healthiest way. I realized we're all human beings and we're allowed to be sad sometimes. The key is to not run off with a story because we are vulnerable and our ego (=mean girl) uses these moments for its sneaky little tricks. Therefore we should be aware of the emotions and the ego, let the emotions pass and let them gently go. Presence is important in these situations, it's hard to master but possible- it's only a matter of time since practice takes time. As soon as you start practicing presence, you'll master the ego easily with no effort. 

Another person who is still helping me in hard times is Sarah Lewis (an intuitive life coach, her Instagram:@sarahlewisco) and her last post was about gratitude and ego. She was reminding me about self practicing which always takes time, but it so worth it. She talks a lot about intuition and emphasizes its leadership in each person because sometimes people run off with stories and listen to their minds because they're afraid of a certain emotion they want to hide. So another key I learned from her is always listening to intuition because if we don't listen to our bodies, the same problem will keep disturbing us until it solved. That's why journaling is a way to reduce stress as well and meditation (more on that later on).
Sarah Lewis

I hope these tips and hacks were resonated with you today, until next time I will post more quotes from different people in each post. 
So stay tuned and keep learning and evolving.

I am sending you happiness, joy and lots of love.

Best wishes,


פוסטים פופולריים מהבלוג הזה

The Ego/Mean Girl Ruins Everything

Story Of My Life

Judgement Free