Revealing: The Dark Secret Of Make-Up Products and More Behind the Sences

It's no longer a secret that many skincare products in the market are not the healthiest for the skin and for our bodies in general. 
Many companies create products for profit but they don't really pay attention to quality.
Most of us can relate to that since we understand what we buy out there, sadly not many people (especially women) realize the consequences of a low-quality product. 

I remember myself buying these products (and not once) when I was younger because I didn't fully understand what health means for me. Now I understand that health is everything, and if we don't treat our bodies with respect and 100% with love, we may lose it and it is already a consequence. 
Maybe some of you wonder: "what about the health care system? aren't they checking every product that reaches the shelves of the stores we buy from?" If we rely on the health care system, we will be more blindfolded and powerless. Yes, you heard me. We should rely only on our selves and on our knowledge because knowledge is everything. When we don't know something, we are easier to fool. 
That's why I encourage each of you to make your research before you purchase any beauty product. Your health should be a priority for you, what you put on and in your body is precious. So don't think you're wasting time researching and reading. Take your time and then make the right decision. 
It reminds me that yesterday after finishing another chapter of Mastering Your Mean Girl (chapter six: becoming wildly wealthy), I realized that when we purchase products or anything else, we put our money in brands we rely on fully. It's true because we decide each day what kind of investment we're going to make. We're responsible for any simple and tiny deed we do, no matter what we do. We control not only our own lives, however, but we also have the power to change other's lives as well.
Instead of buying products you don't know much about, but the sales lady at the store convinces you to buy this product and even tells you its worth the pay and it'll do miracles with your face, don't hesitate to say "no thank you, maybe another time" and keep moving throughout your day. 
Trust me, you're going to feel so much powerful. This is the topic that also connects to the ego because the ego pushes us towards people-pleasing. Don't fall to this trap, be smarter by refusing kindly but sticking to your truth. You'll respect yourself later on.

Back in August, I posted a Facebook post that reveals the dark secret of our makeup products. I don't know how many of you remember, but I will keep reminding you that our makeup products are made of a certain mean named mica. It's a mineral that is made up of natural dirt. Researchers found mica in countries like India and South Africa- now what's the big deal? 
The sad truth of this whole story is the people who suffer every day in order to bring from the mines that mineral. You perhaps guessed it- this is our youngest generation. Young kids go to those mines every day and work there for the whole day. Many of these kids don't survive, some of them die from hunger, some of them are trapped inside the mines and some of them are heavily injured. Instead of getting a proper education, they go to unconventional work and spend their days from morning to night. Their families cannot afford them proper education and surely cannot afford them proper circumstances.  I was horrifically shocked when I found out about this tragic reality and want to bring awareness to all of you. 
If you're reading that dear readers, know to appreciate every free moment you have on this planet. If we bring more awareness to the people around us, we could probably change something for the better.

After watching the video (which is posted down below), I was doing my own research about the companies and products released out there. I didn't get as many results as I expected. Most of the makeup products I found are based on mica and some of the products I found organic and healthy for the skin are expensive and unknown. They are not available in our markets and you can barely purchase them online. If we're about to make a revolution in the makeup industry, we should bring awareness to every person we meet. 

Luckily many skincare products turned out to be vegan and organic and are currently available in the markets. Here are some of my best tips and tricks to find these skincare products easily in the market:

1). Doing your research at home before leaving home is super important. 
2). When you're exposed to new supplies and products by the sales ladies out there, don't hesitate to refuse their offers if it's not aligned with your soul. Kindly reply with "no thank you, maybe another time." Or simply excuse yourself gently out of the conversation and move on. You do not owe anybody.
3). When you find the product you want, read the instructions and think if this product will bring you joy. 
4). Do not afraid to experiment with products, if you find out that this product is not suitable for your skin, don't purchase it and find something else. It's not the end of the world, you're doing your best to take care of your precious skin.
5). Do not buy more than one product at a time. Experiment and if it's suitable for your skin and you ran out of this product, you can simply purchase again.

This is how smart shopping is done. Take care of your body now, it'll bring back the love and the care you're giving to it.

Also, pay attention to your skin condition. Sometimes it can be too oily or it needs more hydration. Listen to your body and your intuition, they know the best.

My Blog Post From August 25th


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