
מציג פוסטים מתאריך 2019

Back To School

Two months have passed away rapidly with no stop so I had to stop myself and think where this is going. When I was starting this blog I was super passionate and keen about spirituality, don't get me wrong, I still am but things have changed for the better.  For those who might don't know, I started university three weeks ago (I cannot believe it while I am writing this). My ultimate dream came true after two months of spending at home like a freelancer (yes yes, I know how you freelancers live). The thing is I didn't feel like a freelancer, I mean I did things I like but I didn't feel any connection to it. My goals weren't including open a business or something like most of the real freelancers do, I just wanted to educate you for free due to my personal experiences and wanted to share my points of view.  I did what I like the best: reading books (including self-development books), drawing/painting beautiful arts, spending precious time with my partner and

Revealing: The Dark Secret Of Make-Up Products and More Behind the Sences

It's no longer a secret that many skincare products in the market are not the healthiest for the skin and for our bodies in general.  Many companies create products for profit but they don't really pay attention to quality. Most of us can relate to that since we understand what we buy out there, sadly not many people (especially women) realize the consequences of a low-quality product.  I remember myself buying these products (and not once) when I was younger because I didn't fully understand what health means for me. Now I understand that health is everything, and if we don't treat our bodies with respect and 100% with love, we may lose it and it is already a consequence.  Maybe some of you wonder: "what about the health care system? aren't they checking every product that reaches the shelves of the stores we buy from?" If we rely on the health care system, we will be more blindfolded and powerless. Yes, you heard me. We should rely only on ou

The Ego/Mean Girl Ruins Everything

"Don't let the ego to control your life, you are the leader of your life and you are the one responsible for your own life". If you think you're the only one restricted by your inner mean girl voice, you're absolutely wrong. We all have this evil voice that tells us we are not good enough, smart enough, successful enough, healthy enough and whatever enough. We all have fears and we sometimes cannot face them well. Sometimes we tend to hide them under the carpet and pretend they do not exist. The truth is they do exist and they wait for the right time to pop up in our minds.  When I was a kid in primary school, I don't remember I had fears. Only when I grew up and started high school I began to face more and more fears, you know why? because I let the evil voice hang out too much time, thus I hung out in fear town. When I turned out twenty I finally realized what the issue was and became facing it and now I can proudly say I learned to master my inner

Health- the New Meaning for Me

A few years ago I had no idea what meditation was all about, and when I was a kid I thought that having a diary is a great idea to start developing my writing skills and it can be my best friend.  When I grew up I thought that's a load of BS, I wasn't even thinking it could benefit me a lot. Only if I knew back then what's possible, I'd say: "sign me up baby!" Another thing our parents don't teach us is the power of meditation. When we become sick, our parents/doctors give us medications to drink so we could heal faster and perhaps more productively. When it comes to mental health, doctors throw medications at us and send us home. It shouldn't be this way. I remember when my mom came to her family doctor, she had a terrible ace in her knees.  Her doctor examined her and told her there's nothing to do, she can simply drink some steroids which will help and maybe years later she will be going through an operation. My mom wasn't satisfie

Judgement Free

"When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself" (Wayne Dyer) Imagine how life would look like if we stop judging our environment, others and especially ourselves. Imagine how you would feel and imagine how others would feel in return, don't you think we deserve to live in a better way?  The theory is pretty simple, we can stop being judgy about everything in our lives and simply be happy. However, life doesn't really look like this. It's not all pink with unicorns and rainbows like our mommy used to paint it for us. Life is much better than just rainbows and unicorns from the moment you've grown up and trying to figure out for yourself what you'd like to do with your life without being judged. The reality is a little different from the one that mommy painted. People are all different from one another which brings more color to life, but we need to be very conscious of who we're surrounding ourselves with. Who we su

Believing in Our Power and Gratitude

Recently I was scrolling down on social media and found out there were two special days: International Day for Girls around the world and Mental Health Awareness Day. I would like to address both days because I think they worth mentioning (not just on social, but everywhere). I was spending time researching and learning more about females during history. I was reading on Blinkist (a great website for ebooks and audiobooks for the listeners among us, you can literally find any book there) there was a book about an American spy called Virginia during the Second World War who reached France during the war in 1939 and stayed there until the last year of the great war.  She had a choice between a regular life as a midwife and an educated woman moving from country to country having a thriving career. I suppose you already guessed what kind of life this woman had. Not only her life turned out to be like a roller coaster, but she also had the courage to choose differently. She chose to l

Story Of My Life

".Life is a miracle, and we've got to own it and appreciate it as it is" I am so happy to finally start writing everything down, I guess you're wondering why I decided to do so.  The main reason I wanted to start sharing my story and the life lessons I've learned is that I've got inspired by the most leading books in the spiritual world That's right, I said it out loud. While I was reading one of the longest chapters of the book and absorbing all the knowledge, I was thinking that maybe it's my time to start sharing my wisdom with anybody else and for free. I am not a certificated coach and do not intend to be (maybe later, who knows), I am just a normal girl who's no more special than anyone else who's reading this. I just understood some really important things and I want to keep that ball rowling and help others to roll it right.  To be honest, there is no right or wrong way- after all, every person is different and that ma